11 Apple Shops Re-closing

Corona Worries And Apple's Store

They began the re-opening their stores in the USA before June.
And, with the health numbers within the country deteriorates, they had to temporarily shut many of their retail stores throughout US.
A lot of Apple's retail stores that were temporarily closed doors to service due to Corona virus concerns in shops in Alabama, California, Georgia, Idaho as well as other states, such as Florida, Houston as well as others.

Store Operating Days

Check out apple.com/retail to see more on Apple store re-openings and to see the trading hours.

There's Need To Visit Apple Stores

As a company, Apple, is recommending consumers to shop via the store app or via its web store} where they can in order to stay on the safe side, in addition to the company have made many proactive measures that protect safety of shoppers in its retail shops.

So Where Are You Able To Buy iPhone Gear At The Moment?

Can you simply head inside your closest Apple store and do you'd rather use their web store and Apple's online presence? Or perhaps you like to buy your iPad gear at major online stores or big online stores like Campad Electronics?

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